Saturday, May 30, 2009

Change of plans...

I realized Wednesday night that I can't really do this study and be fully accurate.  I will do it eventually when I am positive of my information though...

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do again...  But I will post personal things until I think of something.

Sorry guys!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Where did Scripture come from/Who wrote the Bible?

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

We’ll start with looking at the word “all”.  All means “the whole quantity”.  So when it says all scripture, it means every word.  Inspiration of God, according to my King James Study Bible, means “God-breathed”.  God breathed the words of Scripture through the men that wrote the Bible.  

Something that our Sunday School teacher asked us was, “Did God inspire every single word, or did they just kind of write what they felt sort of thing?”  He wanted us to convince him of our answer, so back to the Bible we go.

The next phrase in 2 Timothy 3:16 is, “...[Scripture] is profitable for doctrine...”  If the Scripture is profitable for doctrine, that means it tells us what to believe.  Profitable is to be of service or advantage.  So we have the advantage of knowing what to believe.  Now, if the men who wrote the Bible just wrote about what they thought would save me, should I believe them?  Now if God inspired each and every word of the Bible, that is more comforting, knowing that God was the author of the Bible.

So we have covered the beginning of 2 Timothy 3:16, tomorrow we will finish the verse and look into verse 17 as well.

Thanks for reading!


Resources :[2]

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We are first going to start off with how I decided to have this study theme.  A few weeks ago in youth group, our leader asked a few questions about the Holy Spirit.  We had to write our answers on a 3x5 card and hand it in for him to review.  He made the point that as Christians, we don't really know what we ought to.  We don't know our doctrine like we should.  We are to have an answer to any question someone (believer or non-believer) asks us.  If we don't have the answer we are to research it through the Bible and come up with an answer.  

He used the example of how my Uncle is a mechanic.  He said, "If I would go to his garage and ask him about something that I believe needs fixed on my car, and he doesn't know what it is, do you think I would want him working on my car?"  Same goes with us.  If we are labeled 'Christian', yet we don't know answers to basic questions, are people going to think we are real?


Our Sunday School teacher asked us this question.  "Where did the Bible come from/who wrote the Bible?"  He wanted to know who wrote it, how they knew what to write, and all of that.  Well, Sunday he put us on the spot and asked us to answer the question.  I looked up 2 Timothy 3:16 which says, "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God..."  He asked me to explain it, and in the end he said I had a pretty decent answer.  

Through all of these questions about doctrine, I thought I should brush up on my knowledge and actually learn what I needed to know.  I had been praying that the Lord would show me how to use my blog, or what study I should do.  

I will be starting off with 2 Timothy 3:16 tomorrow.  I'm going to do my best with Greek language and meanings of words.  At the end of each post I will have a Resources section where I will post resources that I used to find my information.

I hope you all enjoy the study, and if you have any questions, just ask, and please leave comments so I know someone other than myself is benefitting from this study.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Before I start my study, I thought I would post some pictures and tell you a little bit about my Memorial Day.My mom, brother, and I went to the Memorial Day service at the courthouse today with another family from our Church.  It was very good.  I thought there would be more people, but I would say around 200 or so people where there maybe.  More probably, I'm not good at rounding based on just seeing.  They had a few different things for the service, and then the parade.

 Here are some pictures...  

Somerset Band

Jesse, Chester Blank, and Levi

We met this man at the end.  His name is Chester Blank, he is 97 years old and he served on the USS Block Island.  The ship was torpedoed by Germany in 1944 on the Atlantic Ocean.  There were many people on the ship ( I can't remember the total ) but only 6 men died out of many.  He got around very well for 97 I thought!

Thank you Soldiers!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I think I figured it out.

Hey everyone! 

Good news, I believe I have found something to study on and post.  I have been praying a little about what the Lord wants me to do with my blog, and I believe He has given me the answer.  Your Wednesday night youth group leader has been telling us how we don't know our own doctrine very well.  We are to be ready at all times to answer a question that someone asks us.  If we don't know ourselves, it looks like we don't care.

So I am going to do a study on where we got the Bible, and then go through each member of the Trinity and Their characteristics.  

I'm hopefully going to start tomorrow with this since my school is done and room is clean.

Hope you all enjoy it!!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Making Progress!!

Well, I am almost done cleaning my room.  I have a few things to go through yet, but it is practically clean!  I am soo excited!  Now I just need to keep it this way all summer!  

I'm going to start working on my blog either this evening or maybe tomorrow night.  I need to get my extra links up and really figure out where I'm going to go with it!  

Thanks for being patient!  

While you are waiting for me, check out my friend Molly's blog!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Really slacking...

So I haven't posted everyday...  Uhm, I have such a hard time with this!!!  I am working on cleaning my room, and it is coming along.  The bookshelf is pretty much done, under my bed is clean, my desks are organized and at the same time holding piles of things that need to go places, my vanity is all clean, and now I just need to clean the closet and finish up my 'in progress' projects... 

Here's a picture of a flower I took yesterday.  I love these.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Not sure yet...

I haven't decided where I'm going to go with my blog.  It's actually a pretty hard decision for me.  I just don't know how I want to use it.  For now I will be posting just random things about what's going on in life.  I'm accepting to ideas for where to go with this!

Keep checking every day, I'll figure it out soon!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finally Back!

Hey everyone!!!

I am finally done with school!!!  I'm totally finished with high school!  I am now waiting on my diploma, which I should get in a week or two.  My graduation is coming up in June and I'll be sure to post pictures when that time comes.  I am currently working on cleaning my room and I'll try and put some pictures up of flowers in a couple days!  

I haven't totally decided what I'm going to blog on yet in the following days, but I'll leave that up to the Lord giving me ideas.  

Well, I best get back to cleaning my room!!  

I'll be posting daily again!