Friday, July 31, 2009

New blog.........

Hey everyone...

I don't know how many actually read this blog and don't... Buut I just wanted to make a post here telling everyone that I'm making a move to my hopefully final blog. I made it with wordpress and I like it a lot. I have a plan going into it so I should keep up with it, at least until I get to college and can't get on. I am very excited about it. It is called Through Seasons of Life and I plan on blogging on it as much as I can through all the different seasons of life!!!

I hope you all enjoy it! The first post will be tomorrow. But if you would like to check it out a little bit before I make the first post.... See here!

Thanks everyone!


Friday, July 24, 2009


I got up at 5:30!!!! And stayed up! I'm excited... now to continue doing this.......

So this weekend is yard sale and a picnic tomorrow night, which I'm excited about. Nothing on Sunday, except for Church! So I will be working on a few more projects.....

I'm working on at least 4 different things... One online, a few off, and I'm soon going to start typing up my notes for Wed. Church.

I better get going... I need to leave.

Monday, July 20, 2009


So this weekend was very interesting. Friday night was the Teen Lock-in at our Church... 7pm-7am of tons of games and no sleep..... It was pretty awesome...

Other than the fact that when I got home (safely from driving with no sleep...) I had to clean and get a shower before I could go to sleep because there was going to be a picnic... So at 10 till 2, which was when the picnic was supposed to start, I woke up got ready in like 10 minutes and only one person showed... everyone else came around 2:30-3.... It was a lot of fun. There were 14 people (including ourselves) and I got to meet the people my dad works with. They were really cool people. It was a lot of fun. They left around 7:30 or so and I went to bed pretty directly...

I got up this morning got ready for Church, my friend and future roomie came over for the afternoon and we went through college stuff.... Then we had a special revival service tonight and then a small meal, finger food stuff, and a game of Family Feud....

The rest of the week is also going to be crazy and I don't know how much I'll post...

Tomorrow I work 1-6, Tuesday I am helping my friend Lisa with one or two of her five children while she is at the dentist, and then I will be going to a movie night, spending the night at Krystal's, and then Church Wednesday night, and staying at Lisa's that night, most of the day with Lisa on Thursday, the Friday work 8-3.... Oh yea, Thursday - Saturday is a yard sale that I'm helping my mom with and Saturday night is a Church picnic with one of the Sunday School classes.... The next 3 weeks are going to be crazy....

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Wow, this summer is going by so fast! I can't stop! Okay, so I had every intention of posting on Tuesday, but got busy in the morning, worked, and then stayed at a friend's house the following to nights. So now I am finally home. I helped my friend Rebekah clean a house for someone. It was definitely interesting... I don't like animal hair.... let's just say I was very tested the past 2 days... haha..

So anyhow, I need to go to bed like now, work in the morning from 8-3 and then finish cleaning up and getting things clean for the picnic on Saturday. Then I have to get ready for the Lock-in at Church, and go to that.. Stay up ALLL night, come home... hopefully catch some z's and then have a picnic with people I don't know... Hopefully I'll know them by the time they leave though!

Oui, then Sunday my friend is coming over to work on college prep. Yay... 6 weeks tomorrow!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend & Today

So today I went out to eat with my mom and brother and we went to walmart then and I got some more supplies for college!! I'm getting really really excited! I still need to work on getting a few more things and working on my college binder. Tomorrow I will start talking about my college binder and what all I am putting in it.

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, July 11, 2009


Today was a very long day. My mom got me up at quarter till 7 to go to the yard sale for a few hours. From there we came home and got ready for my cousin's graduation party.

We went to that and stayed for about two hours. And left and went to my cousins birthday party. They turned 10 and 6 this week. We had lots of fun there and I played with my Aunt's camera that I want to steal....

We are now home, I got a shower, and am ready for bed.... But I want to work on my college binder.... I might mention more about that in tomorrows post.


Friday, July 10, 2009

A few changes...

I will be making a few changes to the blog and think that my summer has slowed down enough that I can start posting again. I have a notebook that I'm trying to keep ideas for blog posts in. I'm going for a more college theme as I'm getting ready to go away from home and start growing up. :) I hope you enjoy the coming changes! And I hope I really start posting this time!!!!!!!!!!
