Thursday, January 22, 2009

Almost there...Keep going!

So I am almost finished with my first semester of my senior year.  Senior year.  I have one last class to finish and one last VC of Italian tonight.  Then my first semester is over and I'm closer to my goal.  Graduating.  

When I was say....  6 or 7 and on, I just wanted to be done with school.  It wasn't my stronghold, I didn't have a lot of friends, and I struggled in some of my classes.  As I look back over the years it's amazing what I have learned, the friends I've had, and no longer speak to.  It reminds me of the verse in Ecclesiastes.  "Life is but a vapor."  That doesn't mean that it is empty and pointless, but it is very short.  

As I look on to my final semester ever of high school, I realize that it's almost over, I have to become an adult.  I don't think it is possible to understand the bittersweet feeling until this moment.  Last year when a few people I knew were graduating they were saying how it's such a weird feeling.  I kind of understood, because I was going into my last year after summer.  But I'm beginning to see what they meant.  

I need to start becoming and adult, understanding life, understanding other people, so I can be prepared for graduating.  After I graduate, that's it.  I have to know what I'm aiming at.  My ultimate goal as to be growing in Christlikeness, but I need to know what else I'm getting myself into.  I'm planning on going to college, I want to get married, and have children some day.  I'm at the time that all this is coming.  I dreamed about it my whole life, and it's right in front of me.

Such a bittersweet feeling.


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