Day 6 -
Paul instructed the Ephesian believers to "give thanks always for all things..." (Eph. 5:20)
One man of God told of meditating on this verse while he was brushing his teeth one morning. He was challenged by the thought of thanking God for everything! He said, "I began my thanking God for my toothbrush. Then I thanked Him for the toothpaste. Then I realized that I had never thanked God for my teeth!" He went on to ask this probing question: "If tomorrow's supply depended on today's thanksgiving, how much would I have tomorrow?"
As you go through this day, try to consciously thank God for all things. small things and big things!
You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.
This challenge is one of my favorites from "A Week of Thanksgiving." It's so challenging what he ends with, because if tomorrow's supply DID depend on today's thanksgiving...I'm not sure how much I would have. It's an amazing thought to thank God for EVERY little thing! Try it today! Everything you use, see, touch, do, thank Him for it. You can never thank God to much!
Post a few thoughts on things you were thankful to God for today!
P.S. - Picture will be loaded tomorrow...
Good idea-I am thankful for my teeth too!