Day 4 -
Make a list of other individuals who have blessed or touched your life in some way. You may want to include pastors, teachers, friends, business associates, neighbors, authors, leaders of Christian ministries, ect. As you write each name, ask yourself, "Have I ever thanked that person for the way God has used him/her in my life?" Put a check mark next to each individual to whom you have expressed gratitude. (On the pages you can print out it has a list up to 30 and a check box beside each number to make it easier to check off. You can also do this on a piece of paper.)
1. Lisa
2. Rebekah
3. Heather
4. Lauren
5. Jeff C.
6. Diane
7. Linda
8. Faith
9. Molly S.
10. Karen G.
(there is my small list...I have a list of others as well. I plan on making a lot of thank you cards, and either mailing them out or giving them to them)
You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.
So what about you? Are there any friends you need to thank today?
P.S. - picture posting thing is STILL not working. I'll work on it this weekend while I'm at my friend's.
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