Friday, July 31, 2009

New blog.........

Hey everyone...

I don't know how many actually read this blog and don't... Buut I just wanted to make a post here telling everyone that I'm making a move to my hopefully final blog. I made it with wordpress and I like it a lot. I have a plan going into it so I should keep up with it, at least until I get to college and can't get on. I am very excited about it. It is called Through Seasons of Life and I plan on blogging on it as much as I can through all the different seasons of life!!!

I hope you all enjoy it! The first post will be tomorrow. But if you would like to check it out a little bit before I make the first post.... See here!

Thanks everyone!


Friday, July 24, 2009


I got up at 5:30!!!! And stayed up! I'm excited... now to continue doing this.......

So this weekend is yard sale and a picnic tomorrow night, which I'm excited about. Nothing on Sunday, except for Church! So I will be working on a few more projects.....

I'm working on at least 4 different things... One online, a few off, and I'm soon going to start typing up my notes for Wed. Church.

I better get going... I need to leave.

Monday, July 20, 2009


So this weekend was very interesting. Friday night was the Teen Lock-in at our Church... 7pm-7am of tons of games and no sleep..... It was pretty awesome...

Other than the fact that when I got home (safely from driving with no sleep...) I had to clean and get a shower before I could go to sleep because there was going to be a picnic... So at 10 till 2, which was when the picnic was supposed to start, I woke up got ready in like 10 minutes and only one person showed... everyone else came around 2:30-3.... It was a lot of fun. There were 14 people (including ourselves) and I got to meet the people my dad works with. They were really cool people. It was a lot of fun. They left around 7:30 or so and I went to bed pretty directly...

I got up this morning got ready for Church, my friend and future roomie came over for the afternoon and we went through college stuff.... Then we had a special revival service tonight and then a small meal, finger food stuff, and a game of Family Feud....

The rest of the week is also going to be crazy and I don't know how much I'll post...

Tomorrow I work 1-6, Tuesday I am helping my friend Lisa with one or two of her five children while she is at the dentist, and then I will be going to a movie night, spending the night at Krystal's, and then Church Wednesday night, and staying at Lisa's that night, most of the day with Lisa on Thursday, the Friday work 8-3.... Oh yea, Thursday - Saturday is a yard sale that I'm helping my mom with and Saturday night is a Church picnic with one of the Sunday School classes.... The next 3 weeks are going to be crazy....

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Wow, this summer is going by so fast! I can't stop! Okay, so I had every intention of posting on Tuesday, but got busy in the morning, worked, and then stayed at a friend's house the following to nights. So now I am finally home. I helped my friend Rebekah clean a house for someone. It was definitely interesting... I don't like animal hair.... let's just say I was very tested the past 2 days... haha..

So anyhow, I need to go to bed like now, work in the morning from 8-3 and then finish cleaning up and getting things clean for the picnic on Saturday. Then I have to get ready for the Lock-in at Church, and go to that.. Stay up ALLL night, come home... hopefully catch some z's and then have a picnic with people I don't know... Hopefully I'll know them by the time they leave though!

Oui, then Sunday my friend is coming over to work on college prep. Yay... 6 weeks tomorrow!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend & Today

So today I went out to eat with my mom and brother and we went to walmart then and I got some more supplies for college!! I'm getting really really excited! I still need to work on getting a few more things and working on my college binder. Tomorrow I will start talking about my college binder and what all I am putting in it.

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, July 11, 2009


Today was a very long day. My mom got me up at quarter till 7 to go to the yard sale for a few hours. From there we came home and got ready for my cousin's graduation party.

We went to that and stayed for about two hours. And left and went to my cousins birthday party. They turned 10 and 6 this week. We had lots of fun there and I played with my Aunt's camera that I want to steal....

We are now home, I got a shower, and am ready for bed.... But I want to work on my college binder.... I might mention more about that in tomorrows post.


Friday, July 10, 2009

A few changes...

I will be making a few changes to the blog and think that my summer has slowed down enough that I can start posting again. I have a notebook that I'm trying to keep ideas for blog posts in. I'm going for a more college theme as I'm getting ready to go away from home and start growing up. :) I hope you enjoy the coming changes! And I hope I really start posting this time!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Getting ready...

So the day of graduation is almost here!  I've been getting things together,  making sure my room is clean, and writing lists and lists and more lists...  I like lists.  It's going to be a very fun weekend with friends and family.

Don't have much else to post.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jobs, jobs, jobs...

Well, as you all know, college costs money... which I don't have.  

Being pushed to only two days a week at my regular job, I am going to need another one...  I called the Humane Society and will be walking dogs.... as a volunteer, which means no money... But I know I will enjoy it for the summer!

Now I need to get myself in gear and think about what other jobs I should look for, simple ones such as cleaning houses, mowing lawns, things that I don't have to pay the government for, but that will help me in my goal of paying for college.

Any ideas?!?!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Thinking About a Speech...

So when Mike gave us our little 'itinerary' for my graduation ceremony, it said that I had to make a speech.  The whole ceremony is going to be about 20-25 minutes long, so it only has to be about 5 minutes long...buuut I still don't want to do it.  I don't like being in front of a lot of people making a 'speech' but because I have to I will...

I've been thinking about what I am going to say in it.  I am planning on making it about time.  And how it goes so fast....  We'll see...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Change of plans...

I realized Wednesday night that I can't really do this study and be fully accurate.  I will do it eventually when I am positive of my information though...

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do again...  But I will post personal things until I think of something.

Sorry guys!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Where did Scripture come from/Who wrote the Bible?

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

We’ll start with looking at the word “all”.  All means “the whole quantity”.  So when it says all scripture, it means every word.  Inspiration of God, according to my King James Study Bible, means “God-breathed”.  God breathed the words of Scripture through the men that wrote the Bible.  

Something that our Sunday School teacher asked us was, “Did God inspire every single word, or did they just kind of write what they felt sort of thing?”  He wanted us to convince him of our answer, so back to the Bible we go.

The next phrase in 2 Timothy 3:16 is, “...[Scripture] is profitable for doctrine...”  If the Scripture is profitable for doctrine, that means it tells us what to believe.  Profitable is to be of service or advantage.  So we have the advantage of knowing what to believe.  Now, if the men who wrote the Bible just wrote about what they thought would save me, should I believe them?  Now if God inspired each and every word of the Bible, that is more comforting, knowing that God was the author of the Bible.

So we have covered the beginning of 2 Timothy 3:16, tomorrow we will finish the verse and look into verse 17 as well.

Thanks for reading!


Resources :[2]

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We are first going to start off with how I decided to have this study theme.  A few weeks ago in youth group, our leader asked a few questions about the Holy Spirit.  We had to write our answers on a 3x5 card and hand it in for him to review.  He made the point that as Christians, we don't really know what we ought to.  We don't know our doctrine like we should.  We are to have an answer to any question someone (believer or non-believer) asks us.  If we don't have the answer we are to research it through the Bible and come up with an answer.  

He used the example of how my Uncle is a mechanic.  He said, "If I would go to his garage and ask him about something that I believe needs fixed on my car, and he doesn't know what it is, do you think I would want him working on my car?"  Same goes with us.  If we are labeled 'Christian', yet we don't know answers to basic questions, are people going to think we are real?


Our Sunday School teacher asked us this question.  "Where did the Bible come from/who wrote the Bible?"  He wanted to know who wrote it, how they knew what to write, and all of that.  Well, Sunday he put us on the spot and asked us to answer the question.  I looked up 2 Timothy 3:16 which says, "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God..."  He asked me to explain it, and in the end he said I had a pretty decent answer.  

Through all of these questions about doctrine, I thought I should brush up on my knowledge and actually learn what I needed to know.  I had been praying that the Lord would show me how to use my blog, or what study I should do.  

I will be starting off with 2 Timothy 3:16 tomorrow.  I'm going to do my best with Greek language and meanings of words.  At the end of each post I will have a Resources section where I will post resources that I used to find my information.

I hope you all enjoy the study, and if you have any questions, just ask, and please leave comments so I know someone other than myself is benefitting from this study.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Before I start my study, I thought I would post some pictures and tell you a little bit about my Memorial Day.My mom, brother, and I went to the Memorial Day service at the courthouse today with another family from our Church.  It was very good.  I thought there would be more people, but I would say around 200 or so people where there maybe.  More probably, I'm not good at rounding based on just seeing.  They had a few different things for the service, and then the parade.

 Here are some pictures...  

Somerset Band

Jesse, Chester Blank, and Levi

We met this man at the end.  His name is Chester Blank, he is 97 years old and he served on the USS Block Island.  The ship was torpedoed by Germany in 1944 on the Atlantic Ocean.  There were many people on the ship ( I can't remember the total ) but only 6 men died out of many.  He got around very well for 97 I thought!

Thank you Soldiers!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I think I figured it out.

Hey everyone! 

Good news, I believe I have found something to study on and post.  I have been praying a little about what the Lord wants me to do with my blog, and I believe He has given me the answer.  Your Wednesday night youth group leader has been telling us how we don't know our own doctrine very well.  We are to be ready at all times to answer a question that someone asks us.  If we don't know ourselves, it looks like we don't care.

So I am going to do a study on where we got the Bible, and then go through each member of the Trinity and Their characteristics.  

I'm hopefully going to start tomorrow with this since my school is done and room is clean.

Hope you all enjoy it!!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Making Progress!!

Well, I am almost done cleaning my room.  I have a few things to go through yet, but it is practically clean!  I am soo excited!  Now I just need to keep it this way all summer!  

I'm going to start working on my blog either this evening or maybe tomorrow night.  I need to get my extra links up and really figure out where I'm going to go with it!  

Thanks for being patient!  

While you are waiting for me, check out my friend Molly's blog!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Really slacking...

So I haven't posted everyday...  Uhm, I have such a hard time with this!!!  I am working on cleaning my room, and it is coming along.  The bookshelf is pretty much done, under my bed is clean, my desks are organized and at the same time holding piles of things that need to go places, my vanity is all clean, and now I just need to clean the closet and finish up my 'in progress' projects... 

Here's a picture of a flower I took yesterday.  I love these.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Not sure yet...

I haven't decided where I'm going to go with my blog.  It's actually a pretty hard decision for me.  I just don't know how I want to use it.  For now I will be posting just random things about what's going on in life.  I'm accepting to ideas for where to go with this!

Keep checking every day, I'll figure it out soon!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finally Back!

Hey everyone!!!

I am finally done with school!!!  I'm totally finished with high school!  I am now waiting on my diploma, which I should get in a week or two.  My graduation is coming up in June and I'll be sure to post pictures when that time comes.  I am currently working on cleaning my room and I'll try and put some pictures up of flowers in a couple days!  

I haven't totally decided what I'm going to blog on yet in the following days, but I'll leave that up to the Lord giving me ideas.  

Well, I best get back to cleaning my room!!  

I'll be posting daily again!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time for an update

It has been over a month since I have posted, and I hadn't posted regularly before that.

I will not be updating much now either, I'm working on getting school done.  I did want to let you all know that I got accepted to BJU!  So I will be going in the fall for sure!  I am so excited and can not wait! 

After I am done with school, hopefully before May, I will be posting on here regularly.  


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update/Wedding Pictures

Hey everyone,

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I've been busy and in a little rut as well.  Pray for me if you think about it.  I have been working, and doing school, and just took on a babysitting job.  I'm also trying to get my photography career going.

Here are a few pictures from the wedding.  I'd post more, but my internet is stupid...and sorry they are not in the order I want them....I dislike this thing.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, I'm struggling with ideas for posting guys!  I need ideas!

I am going to be leaving tomorrow after work sometime to go to our cabin with my family and my cousins.  I'll be home on Sunday, but have plans for the evening, so I most likely won't be posting again until Monday...

That gives you guys 4 days to post ideas for blog posts!  Any questions you want me to answer about anything Biblical or personal, or whatever you want.  I'll be looking forward to seeing responses...


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well, I know, I haven't posted in the last few days.  I've been kind of busy getting my last class finished up, working, and we had that special speaker this week, which we SHOULD be going to Church tonight as well to hear him one last time.  [Depends on this weather we're having...]

I met with a friend last night and she helped me a bit with ACT math stuff.  It was a good refresher, and it was nice getting out of the house and not having to work.

I'm kind of low on ideas of things to post, so if any of you have ideas, let me know!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Financial Speaker

Yesterday at Church we had a financial advisor from South Carolina at our Church.  His messages were VERY good!  He talked more on how we are to be in Christ, and that how after we give everything to God, then we can continue to figure out what to do in these hard economical times.

He was a very good speaker!  I took lots of notes.  I thought about posting them on here, but I believe I should have his permission.  So I don't think I'm going to.

Today he has a full schedule of financial counseling sessions, and then an evening service.  Tomorrow he has sessions all day, in which one of them my mom and I are attending.  And Wednesday he is having more sessions, and a final wrap up message.

I'm very excited to get advice from someone who is in love with God, and can bring everything back to Him even in the economical hard times.

One thing I do want to mention that he was talking about is why America is failing.  We are failing because America as a whole has turned their backs on God.  We have abandoned Him, therefore He has waited long enough for us to change, so He is going to start letting go of us, as He already has.  

Well, I am kind of in a little rut of posting topics.  I plan on having something a little better tomorrow.


Friday, January 23, 2009


A few weeks back, someone emailed me about my blog.  She asked whether I meant for the "HIM" to be "h" or if it was to be "H".  I told her that it was to be "h" because I am posting here until I find the one and all of that.

But, I have been thinking recently, I am often times so wrapped up in dwelling on "him" rather than I am on "Him!"  So just for clarification, that is why I have changed it from "h" to "H."

Continue to enjoy reading!  

Also, if you have any ideas on a post, or a question you would like me to answer, just post a comment anytime and let me know!


P.S. -  Sorry this post is so late.  I'm thinking Fridays are going to be later in the day because I work 8-3.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Almost there...Keep going!

So I am almost finished with my first semester of my senior year.  Senior year.  I have one last class to finish and one last VC of Italian tonight.  Then my first semester is over and I'm closer to my goal.  Graduating.  

When I was say....  6 or 7 and on, I just wanted to be done with school.  It wasn't my stronghold, I didn't have a lot of friends, and I struggled in some of my classes.  As I look back over the years it's amazing what I have learned, the friends I've had, and no longer speak to.  It reminds me of the verse in Ecclesiastes.  "Life is but a vapor."  That doesn't mean that it is empty and pointless, but it is very short.  

As I look on to my final semester ever of high school, I realize that it's almost over, I have to become an adult.  I don't think it is possible to understand the bittersweet feeling until this moment.  Last year when a few people I knew were graduating they were saying how it's such a weird feeling.  I kind of understood, because I was going into my last year after summer.  But I'm beginning to see what they meant.  

I need to start becoming and adult, understanding life, understanding other people, so I can be prepared for graduating.  After I graduate, that's it.  I have to know what I'm aiming at.  My ultimate goal as to be growing in Christlikeness, but I need to know what else I'm getting myself into.  I'm planning on going to college, I want to get married, and have children some day.  I'm at the time that all this is coming.  I dreamed about it my whole life, and it's right in front of me.

Such a bittersweet feeling.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Exercise: Physical vs. Spiritual

Today marks the 2 week mark of myself getting up at 5:45-6am and exercising!  Out of all that time I relaxed only one of those days (thanks to achy body from helping Dan & Jen move in).
I was flipping through my blog ideas book and found this verse.  I thought it would be appropriate for today.

1 Timothy 4:8 says, "For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come."

When I look at that verse I don't always understand it right away.  So today I looked at the notes for the verse.  It had a paraphrased version of the verse that kind of made it click in my mind.

It says, "For physical exercise is of limited value, but godliness, the result of spiritual exercise, has unlimited value, since it brings blessings for both now and eternity."

I think that paraphrase sums the verse up pretty well.  Physical exercise, as valuable as it is for the here and now, will not last in eternity.  But spiritual exercise, such as reading your Bible, studying Scriptures, memorizing Scriptures, praying, attending Church services, learning from others, and multiple other exercises, are valuable now and will still last through eternity!

As I am trying to stay fit and healthy, this verse is a great reminder to keep up my Spiritual fitness as well!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day is upon us.  I thought I would share an email that I got before the elections.  I know that the President-Elect has been picked, and will become president today, but these truths still remain.

Top 10 Predictions

1.  The Bible will still have the answers we need.
2.  Prayer will still work.
3.  The Holy Spirit will still move.
4.  God will still enjoy the praises of His people.
5.  There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6.  There will still be singing to the glory of god.
7.  God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8.  There will still be room at the cross.
9.  Jesus will still love you.
10.  Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.

These are things to continue to remember after this day is over and we have a new president.

Proverbs 21:1 - "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it withersoever He will."

We need to remember that know matter what happens, no matter what our political views are, the Lord is still in control!  He can change a heart however He wills.  Look at Pharaoh, the Lord continued to harden his heart, but when the time was right He softened it long enough to let the people go.  The only thing that keeps me at ease and peace about Mr.Obama becoming president is that the Lord is STILL in control, and He will never let us down.  

A few site you might like to check out...

Inauguration  - A site with some fun inauguration facts and other informational things.
Change - President-Elect Obama's agenda, there is also a place where you can state your thoughts and values.

Have a great day!  And remember that the Lord is in control of the future!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Recipe - Tiramisu

Original recipe found at
I altered it, so here is my version of it...

What you need: 

13x9-inch dish
1 package of Lady Fingers (I didn't use the whole package)
1 cup of coffee
1 tbsp. of sugar
2 pkg. Cream Cheese, softened
1/2 cup of sugar
2 cups of Cool Whip
your choice of amount of unsweetened cocoa powder

To make it:

Start a pot of coffee, enough to make one cup.  

While coffee is going, put the softened cream cheese in a bowl and mix with hand mixer until creamy.  Add 1/2 cup of sugar and mix again.

Stir/fold whipped topping in with cream cheese and sugar.

Coffee should be about done, take one cup and add 1 tablespoon of sugar to coffee and stir.

Layer bottom of dish with Lady Fingers.  

Brush on 1/2 of the coffee.  You will brush it over each lady finger more than once.  

When you finish with the 1/2 cup of coffee, take a little less than 1/2 of the whipped mixture and spread on Lady Fingers.  Add another layer of Lady Fingers, and repeat above steps.  After you have the top layer of whipped mixture, add cocoa on the top to give it some color.

Put in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

I have made 2 dishes already.  I made the full dish Friday that was refrigerated over night, I also made one yesterday that was refrigerated for a little over 4 hours.  It was a big hit on Saturday when I was helping some friends move.  

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Week of Thanksgiving - Day 7

You can find and print this out at Revive Our Hearts.

Day 7 -

As you have been focusing on thankfulness, have you found some people, items, or circumstances for which it is hard to be thankful?

Dr. Helen Roseveare, long-time missionary doctor in the Congo, told of a point in her life when she was shamefully mistreated at the hands of rebel soldiers.  She described the painful struggle that took place in her heart, as she sought to make some sense out of the humiliation and physical suffering she had undergone.  Then she told of the release and peace that came when she sensed God asking here, "Helen, are you willing to give me thanks for that which I may never give you the privilege of understand?"

Make a list of past or present circumstances, events, trials, or relationships for which you may never have given thanks.  Then, as an expression of faith and an exercise of obedience, say, "Lord, I choose to give You thanks for ____ and ____, which You may never give me the privilege of understanding."  In so doing, you will be acknowledging that God is the "Blessed Controller" of everything that touches your life, and that you trust Him and His sovereign choices for your life.

Difficult things for which God wants me to give thanks:

There are many things that I could say here, but most of these things are private, that few people know.  I am not going to share anything, but if you feel the Lord pushing you to comment and tell about something that is hard to be thankful for, go ahead.

Now that you've spend a week focusing on gratitude, we'd like to challenge you to make a lifetime habit of giving thanks.  In fact, you'll discover that the whole world looks different, when you learn to see it through eyes of thankfulness!

You can find and print this out at Revive Our Hearts.

Thank you for joining me this week in "A Week of Thanksgiving," I hope you enjoyed it!

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Week of Thanksgiving - Day 6

You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.

Day 6 -

Paul instructed the Ephesian believers to "give thanks always for all things..." (Eph. 5:20)

One man of God told of meditating on this verse while he was brushing his teeth one morning.  He was challenged by the thought of thanking God for everything!  He said, "I began my thanking God for my toothbrush.  Then I thanked Him for the toothpaste.  Then I realized that I had never thanked God for my teeth!"  He went on to ask this probing question: "If tomorrow's supply depended on today's thanksgiving, how much would I have tomorrow?"

As you go through this day, try to consciously thank God for all things.  small things and big things!

You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.

This challenge is one of my favorites from "A Week of Thanksgiving."  It's so challenging what he ends with, because if tomorrow's supply DID depend on today's thanksgiving...I'm not sure how much I would have.  It's an amazing thought to thank God for EVERY little thing!  Try it today!  Everything you use, see, touch, do, thank Him for it.  You can never thank God to much!
Post a few thoughts on things you were thankful to God for today!

P.S. - Picture will be loaded tomorrow...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Week of Thanksgiving - Day 5

You can find this and print it at Revive Our Hearts.

Day 5 -

Call or write three people on the list you made yesterday, to express gratitude for their influence and ministry in your life.

(I plan on making a few cards and sending out today.)

You can find this and print it at Revive Our Hearts

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Week of Thanksgiving - Day 4

You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.

Day 4 -

Make a list of other individuals who have blessed or touched your life in some way.  You may want to include pastors, teachers, friends, business associates, neighbors, authors, leaders of Christian ministries, ect.  As you write each name, ask yourself, "Have I ever thanked that person for the way God has used him/her in my life?"  Put a check mark next to each individual to whom you have expressed gratitude. (On the pages you can print out it has a list up to 30 and a check box beside each number to make it easier to check off.  You can also do this on a piece of paper.)

1.  Lisa
2. Rebekah
3. Heather
4. Lauren
5. Jeff C.
6. Diane
7. Linda
8. Faith
9. Molly S.
10. Karen G.
(there is my small list...I have a list of others as well.  I plan on making a lot of thank you cards, and either mailing them out or giving them to them)

You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.

So what about you?  Are there any friends you need to thank today?

P.S. - picture posting thing is STILL not working.  I'll work on it this weekend while I'm at my friend's.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Week of Thanksgiving - Day 3

You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.

Day 3 -

Today, focus on expressing gratitude to and for your family members.  Make a list of each member of your family (mate, parents, children, brothers, sisters, etc.).  Then next to each name, write one quality about their life for which you are particularly grateful.

Family Member                    ----             Qualities I Appreciate

Dad                                                                       Hard working.
Mom                                                            Supportive, loving, serving
Jesse                                                                Occasional helpfulness

Take time to thank God for each member of the family He has given you.  Then pick three individuals from your list whom you can express gratitude today, either in person, by phone, or by means of a note.  You might want to begin by saying something like this:

                    "I thanked God for you today.  And I wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you are a part of my family, and especially for this particular quality that I see in your  life..."   
(You may want to express gratitude to someone on your list who has been especially difficult to love!)

You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.

Well, there ya go!  Post something about your family members and your favorite qualities they have!

-P.S. - Sorry about the no picture today.  It wasn't working correctly.  I'll make sure to add it later.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Week of Thanksgiving - Day 2

You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.

Day 2 -
Before we can express our gratitude, we must take time to recognize and identify the specific blessings that we have received from God and others.

Make a list of all the material and spiritual blessings you can think of that you have received from the Lord.  Then stop and thank God for each item on your list.

Spiritual Blessings (if you need help getting started, try reading the first chapter of Ephesians!)

My salvation.
The growth I have gone through this past year.
Being a child of the King.
The Lord gives me strength through my trials.
A better prayer life.
My talents.

Material Blessings

My parents.
My Church family.
The house I live in.
The bed I sleep in.
Spiritual friendships.
My one whole year with my car...(it just died before New Year's)
My job.

You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.

Now of course this is a minimized list.  There are so many blessings that I am thankful for.  How about you?  What are some spiritual blessings you've had in the past year?  What about material blessings?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Week of Thanksgiving - Day 1

You can find this and print it out at Revive Our Hearts.

Thankfulness should be our way of life.  So often we are discontent, bitter, complaining, anything but thankful.  We need the "attitude of gratitude."  Cultivating a thankful heart will follow with thankful words.  We daily need reminded to be thankful.  [paraphrased by myself from introduction paragraph]

Day 1 - 
Every chapter in the book of Colossians has at least one reference to thankfulness.  Read the following verses and jot down a thought that stands out to you.

Colossians 1:3 - "We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you."
My Thoughts - As I read this in the beginning of the book, it seems like an opening/closing statement.  Saying that, we give thanks always, and that we will pray for you.  I think we make this a quote we say often when leaving someone.  Just letting them know that you will remember them in prayer.  

Colossians 1:12 - "Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light."  
My Thoughts - I had to read the notes in my Bible to understand this verse a little bit better.  In my Bible it says that it can also be referring that we can share in the salvation, the same that the saints who are in the light had.  Light referring to our spiritual understanding that we are God's children.  {to be a light to the world.}

Colossians 2:7 - "Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith,  as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving."
My Thoughts - Because we are rooted in the faith, we are to be thankful.

Colossians 3:15 - "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."
My Thoughts - We are to let the peace of God rule in our hearts.  It should rule our thoughts and minds.  We are to be peaceful.  We are also to be thankful.

Colossians 3:17 - "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him."
My Thoughts - Anything that we do, we are to do in the name of the Lord.  Anything here refers to, anything.  Anything we do in private, public, any area of our life, we are to do to the glory of God.  At the same time we are to be thanking God.

Colossians 4:2 - "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving."
My Thoughts - We are to continually pray, (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and give thanks.

Again you can find this at Revive Our Hearts.  

I hope you all enjoyed the first day!  Make sure to comment on some of the verses, and what they mean to you!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

How is our attitude?

When I am at my friend Lisa's house, I am most often happy cheerful, sweet with the kids, have a long attention span, am patient with everyone, and everything I should be.  But then  I go home.   Is my attitude the same?  At first, yes.  But then my brother will do something to bother me, or I will get short with my mom.

Something I have been pondering on is that, and my attitude everywhere I go.  I am trying to work on having the right and positive attitudes at home, not just when I'm with a friend.  

How about you?  Do you have similar scenarios in your life?  We should all take upon the challenge of looking at each of our relationships, and how our attitude is when we are with each person, how it changes one from another sometimes.  We need to evaluate WHY that is, and come up with a way to stop it.  

James 1:8 - "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Please READ!!

Okay, my mom emailed this to me.  It is true, it is from Homeschool Magazine, there are tons of links at the bottom that you can read.  This is not false, it is real.

This is from a Homeschool newsletter I get.  It is very upsetting.  Please read.  ~~Andrea~~
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: HS-Notebook <>
Date: Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 12:39 AM
Subject: HS-Notebook :: All Children's Books to Be Banned as of 2/10 :: Vol 10, No 2 :: January 8, '09

(Mailing list information, including unsubscription instructions,
is located at the end of this message.)

               The Homeschooler's Notebook
    Encouragement and Advice for Homeschool Families
  Vol. 10 No 2                         January 8, 2009
                     ISSN: 1536-2035
  Copyright (c) 2009 - Heather Idoni,

 Welcome to the Homeschooler's Notebook!

 If you like this newsletter, please recommend it to a friend!
 And please visit our sponsors!  They make it possible.



      Notes from Heather

 The Sale of Children's Books to be Banned


 Oh, how I wish this were a joke!  But it is a grim and looming,
 almost Orwellian, reality.

 Effective February 10th, in the United States, the sale of
 all children's books (books intended for children ages 12 and
 under) is to be PROHIBITED.  Every single book printed prior
 to the ruling is affected, whether new or used.  New books in
 production are required to include a "lead-free" certification
 and will be the only books that are legal to offer for sale.

 What does this mean to the homeschooling family?

 Well, for one, curriculum fairs across the country will be
 cancelled as book vendors scramble to figure out how to comply
 with the new ruling.  Complete book inventories will have to be
 destroyed -- the ruling even prohibits giving away the books!
 Local thrift stores will be hard hit -- most will likely have to
 close their doors -- yes, even Goodwill and Salvation Army.

 Clothing, toys and books -- even CDs and DVDs are included in the
 ruling.  Thrift stores will no longer be able to accept or process
 anything (including clothing) that would be intended for a child.

 No more library sales.  Libraries will not be permitted to give
 away or sell book donations.  It is unsure yet, however, how
 the libraries' shelves themselves will be impacted (the ruling
 doesn't explicitly mention "loaning" books, just selling or
 giving them away).  The key word, however, is "distribution" --
 libraries may well be required to destroy books from their shelves.

 (The ruling that originally passed was about toys, but the EPA has
 since made a statement that clothing, books and media are included
 in "children's toys".)

 Just how serious is this new law? has already notified all vendors of their need to comply.
 No book can be sold at the Amazon site that was printed prior to
 compliance.  And the "compliance" must be coordinated at the manu-
 facturing stage.  At the time of this article there is no clause
 to be able to grandfather-in older books or even rare out-of-print
 books.  It can cost between $500 and $1500 to test a book for lead.

 I happen to own a children's bookstore specializing in living books
 from the 1950s and '60s.  My punishment for selling a book after
 February 10th?  Up to $100,000 and 5 years in jail.  And yes, it is
 a felony charge.  For selling a SINGLE book.

 (Although I don't think the S.W.A.T. team scenario would become a
 reality overnight, at the same time I would be leery of blatantly
 violating Federal law.)

 So what can you do to help save your local used bookstore that
 sells children's books?  Or that homeschool curriculum business?
 Or your EBay business selling children's items?

 ACT NOW before the quickly approaching deadlines:

 1) Email or call the CPSIA - the office of the CPSC ombudsman at

    Comments on Component Parts Testing accepted through January 30,
    2009.  Or email:

 2) Contact your local representatives. For their contact informa-
    tion, just enter your zip code.

 3) Make your voice heard by voting on this issue!  The top 3 in
    each category will be presented to President-elect Obama.

 4) Sign the petition.

 5) Spread the word!  Forward this article.  Send an email.  Write
    about this on your blog.  Tell others about this issue and
    encourage them to do the same.


 For the complete story, read the following links:

 Consumer Product Safety Commission Summaries on Legislation Index
 page for Children's Products Containing Lead; Lead Paint Rule and
 other rulings

 Office of the General Counsel FAQ on retroactive inventory require-
 ments -- The use of forward effective dates appears to force current
 inventories to adhere to the ruling on February 10th, 2009

 Specific FAQ on their interpretation of books and other media to be
 included in the testing of lead based products

 Effective Date: Lead content limit of 600 ppm becomes effective 180
 days after enactment. An advisory opinion regarding the application
 of the new lead limit to inventory existing at the effective date
 can be found on our web site at

 Getting the Lead out:  There is no lead in children's books

 There is no lead in Children's books: From a Pedtrician


 Do you have comments to share?  Please do!
 Send your emails to:


Running the race...

Hi everyone,

Yes, it is quarter 'til 7, and yes I am posting something other than an update!  I made a schedule last night, and I think I'm going to be able to post every morning.  Though I can't fully promise that until Sunday when I start the "Week of Thanksgiving."  I recently started getting a new devotional from called Encouragement for the day.  And let me tell you, it is DEFINITELY encouraging!  Tuesday's devotion was especially good!  I'll give it to you in a nutshell.  You can view the whole thing by going HERE.

It is talking about a woman, running a race with her husband.  The night before the race, she doesn't drink much, and eats wrong kinds of foods.  She has been told by friends that she needs to change her habits but doesn't listen.  So she goes out and runs with her husband...What do YOU think happens?
She of course does poorly.  She feels bad about it and has a heart change.  The next time she goes with her husband she has prepared by eating healthy foods and stocking up on water and does GREAT during the run!
The devotional says how we can compare that with our spiritual life with Christ.  How much do we prepare for our walk with Christ?  Are we consistently in our Bible as we should be, and prepared for the next task/trial ahead?  Or are we like the woman in her first run, and unprepared for spiritual battles and trials ahead?  
The devotional then gives a few pointers such as being in your Bible every day and making time for your relationship with God.
We can't just show up, and expect God to give us what we want, we need to prepared for what He gives us and prepared for what He does not.  Also, to be thankful for either way.

I don't know about you, but I was really encouraged by that devotional!

I will give you a little update though.  Last night I went through a few ideas on scattered papers for my blog, and got them into ONE notebook!  After next week I will most likely be working on one or two of my ideas.

Also, I'm trying to get back into a routine.  Which involves getting up at 5:45am and after breakfast and devotions, exercising.  Which I have done today.  I think follow my exercises will be my posting time.  I might dedicate tomorrow to telling you my full week schedule.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Little update...

Today I went ice skating.  We took lots of pictures.  I posted some of them on facebook.  So if you're a friend of mine on there, check out the pictures!!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Few Ideas...

Hey everyone,

So I'm gathering up some ideas! I had a request for a photo tip once a week, but I need to get a little bit better at photography before I do that... But it will be coming in a few months!

I have a few ideas for posts. I think that next week I'm going to go through "A Week of Thanksgiving" from Revive Our Hearts and will be posting each days work and my thoughts and ideas from it.

I also have a few other ideas for individual posts as well.

I'm not really sure if I'll be able to post every day the rest of the week or not because I'm going to be trying to finish my first semester by next Saturday.

I will update occasionally one how things are going though! Be sure to check out my Picture A Day blog!! I'll be updating that daily!

Have a good night/week if I don't post for a while!


Monday, January 5, 2009


Hi everyone,

I am posting to let you all know the few plans I have for my blog.  I would like to dedicate Mondays as "Note Review Mondays".  "Note Review Mondays" is going to be dedicated to going over my notes from Church the day before.  This will start next week.

I have a few other ideas, but I would like to hear your input.  Let me know what things YOU would like to see on the blog! 


Sunday, January 4, 2009


Welcome to my new blog.  I have already explained why I have a new blog...So I'm just posting a welcome post!

Welcome to the new year, and I hope it holds a lot for each of you!

I don't really have time to post tonight, but tomorrow I'll be coming up with some ideas!!
